What Are You Saying While You Wait?

Jesus had just driven a legion of demons out of a man. He had crossed the lake so He could meet this man and give him the help he so desperately needed. Then He got back in the boat and crossed back over to where He had just been. As soon as He stepped out of the boat, He was met by a throng of people. A ruler of the synagogue, Jairus, came running up to Him and fell at His feet. “And begged Him earnestly, saying, My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay Your hands on her, so that she may be healed and live” (Mark 5:23). The Bible tells us that Jesus went with the man, even though the crowd was so thick around Him that they were almost suffocating Him.
At this point, Jairus must have been so excited. He had found Jesus, and he was bringing Him to his home. Jairus must have felt that he now had the help he so desperately needed for his little girl. Suddenly, everything changed for Jairus. A woman, desperate herself to be helped, had made her way through the crowd and touched Jesus’ garment. Immediately sensing that healing power had gone out from Him, He asked, “Who touched my clothes?” (Mark 5:30) Now they had been moving towards Jairus’ house. Slowly, maybe, because of the crowds, but they were moving. Now Jesus stopped and addressed another issue.
If you were Jairus, what would you have said here? “Jesus, keep going!”
“Jesus, never mind her. My daughter is dying!”
“Jesus, we must hurry! There is not much time!”
What did Jairus actually say at this point? NOTHING.
Jesus found the woman who had been healed through touching His clothes. She told Jesus her story. The Bible says she “told Him the whole truth” (Mark 5:33). Now she had been sick for eighteen years. She had spent all she had on numerous physicians but steadily grew worse. Her story must have taken some time to tell.
What did Jairus say? NOTHING.
After her story was told, Jesus told her that because of her faith in Him, she was made completely whole. While He was saying this, messengers arrived from Jairus’ house telling him not to bother Jesus any longer because his daughter was now dead. The temptation for Jairus to be upset at this point must have been overwhelming, but Jesus immediately turned to Jairus and said, “Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear; only keep on believing.”
What did Jairus say? NOTHING.
Finally they arrived at Jairus’ home. Jairus saw his family and friends weeping and wailing. What did he say? NOTHING.
Jesus put them all out of the house. He got rid of any unbelief in the house that would have worked against what He wanted to do. He went to the girl and said, “Little girl, I say to you arise” (Mark 5:41). “And instantly the girl got up and started walking around– for she was twelve years old. And they were utterly astonished and overcome with amazement” (Mark 5:42). The Bible doesn’t tell us any more about what Jairus did at this point, but I can imagine he was no longer silent. I imagine he would be shouting for joy and giving thanks to Jesus for giving him back his precious little girl.
It is so important to speak God’s Words while you wait for your manifestation to arrive. If this is difficult for you, then say nothing. Do not speak unbelief. No doubt Jairus would not have received the result he did if he had spoken words of anger or unbelief. Look up in the Bible what God has to say about your situation, and then speak those Words. Take authority over what the devil is trying to bring into your life, and trust God for the results you desire.
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