Homeschool Convention: Be Obedient; Be Bold

We all want people to like us and approve of us. The approval of people is not what is important, however. Obeying God and living as He directs us to live is what is important. I have always tried to be not too concerned what people may think of me. I have tried to live as God would want me to live. I love people, but I also am honest with people where God is concerned. Telling people the truth is always the best you can do for them. The truth is God loves each of us dearly. He wants to help us and guide us into the great plans He has for our lives, but He can only do that when we surrender our lives to Him and ask for His help. He will not force His will on anyone.
Jeremiah was commanded by God to take His message to the people of Judah. Jeremiah was afraid of what people would think of him. In Jeremiah 1:7-8, God tells him, “Say not, I am only a youth; for you shall go to all to whom I shall send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Be not afraid of them (their faces), for I am with you to deliver you”. We are often so afraid of people. We watch their faces to see their reactions to us, but we do not have to be afraid of people or of what to say to them. God tells us He will give us the words to say. This is encouraging to me. I am going to be speaking at the Saskatchewan Homeschool Convention (SHEBE) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in February. I am praying I will speak God’s words. My own words do not mean much, but God knows what His people need to hear. His words are what I want to speak to the people at the convention. I know it will be a powerful time with God. Please check out the convention details at:
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