God Loves You

God Loves You! Easy to say. Almost a cliché. What does it actually mean?
I love my children. I would do anything to help them. I pray for each of them many times every day. I talk to them, listen to them, and try to let them know they are loved. I never imagined I could have this kind of love for them. I would drop everything I’m doing just to run to them if there is something I can do to make their lives a tiny bit easier. I admire them and am proud of them. Sometimes I watch their beautiful faces as they talk with a smile of absolute joy on my face because of them.
Yet, all the love I feel for my children cannot begin to compare to the love God has for them. I cannot understand how He can love my children more than I do, but I know He does. My love for them doesn’t even come close to His. This is why when there are times I have done all I can do for my children, I can leave them in God’s hands. I can be completely confident that Someone is now looking after them who loves them more than I do and is much more powerful than I am to accomplish all that is needed in their lives.
Some of us may feel, “I have done too much- I have erred in such desperate ways. How could God ever love me?” The truth is a serial murderer who is on death row can call on Him and be saved. He or she may still have to pay their debt to society, but God loves them and welcomes them into His presence.
How can this possibly be? It is all a part of this tremendous love He has that I don’t think any of us will ever fully understand. We were made to love Him and completely enjoy His love for us. If we ignore His love, we will attempt to fill that void in our lives with something else. We will fill our thoughts and our hours with making as much money as we possibly can. We will be “fools who march to win the right to justify their sin”, a quote from my favorite Christmas song. We will fill our lives with partying- having as much “fun” as we possibly can. We will set our minds on a good cause and fight for it with everything we have. Problem is – nothing is going to fill that void in us except what was meant to- what we were created to fill it with- and that is a loving, wonderful relationship with a God who loves you with this amazing love.
I pray you seek His face today. I pray you realize that if all else deserts you, God remains with you and loves you beyond anything you could ever imagine. I pray you take the time today to ask Him to come into your heart. “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9). I pray you accept him into your life today. His great love hovers over you as He gently waits for you. Do not ever feel that you are alone in this world or that no one cares for you. That is such a lie! You have a loving Father who waits for you. Run to Him! You will be ever so glad you did.
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